The tire inflation pressure used on the AASHTO Road test was between 483 and 552 kPa. Moreover, through the advance of technology, tires have been developed with greater load-carrying and higher inflation pressure than those existing on that decade. However, it is clear that the current traffic characteristics and type of vehicles differ significantly from those existing in the 1960s. This method is based on the design curves developed by United States Army Corps of Engineers (Usace) during the Second World War and the results of the AASHTO road test (1958-1962). In Brazil, flexible pavements are designed using the empirical method of the Brazilian National Department of Transport Infrastructure (Dnit). Nowadays, the methods used for pavement design still are empirical and based on experiments conducted in the 1960s. Therefore, many studies have been conducted in order to represent this data on mathematical and computational models in a more reliable and realistic way for pavement management. Traffic characterization is a very important data for the pavement design regarding its performance analysis over time. Keywords: MEPDG, AASHTO ware Pavement ME Design, traffic data, pavement design. To the one studied, because this would lead to under-designed structures. Recommended the use of default spectra for designing Brazilian highways similar Pavement than the default spectra of the software. Show that the Brazilian axle load spectra studied damages more the national In São Paulo, and using the default load spectra of the software. Thus, computer simulations were performed usingīrazilian axle load spectra, based on data collected at the Imigrantes Highway Performance due to the use of the default axle load spectra that are available Therefore, this study aimed to verify the effect on national pavement However, characteristics of theīrazilian traffic are different from characteristics in the United States.
In both software versions, default values were developedįrom traffic data of the United States. Software was developed and later, its improved version, the AASHTO Ware
On this method, the MEPDG (Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide) Highway Research Program (NCHRP) proposed a mechanistic-empirical method. Variables that can influence an empirical analysis, the National Cooperative Currently, methods used for pavement design areĮmpirical and based on experiments conducted in the 1960s.